Termites Love Neglected Tree Stumps

Nobody wants termites and other insects infesting their home or the surrounding yard. If you have dead trees or plants on your property, it’s important to have them removed by a professional like Big Foot Tree Service. Termites thrive on and are attracted to dead trees. Termites have mouths that tear at pieces of woody… Read more »

Reasons to Remove a Tree Stump

Tree stumps are unsightly. They make an otherwise nicely kept yard look like someone forgot to get rid of something that causes numerous problems. An old stump makes a yard look forgotten. These days, people have high standards when it comes to the exteriors of their homes and their landscaping, especially in suburban areas where… Read more »

When Does a Deteriorating Tree Become Dangerous to Your Property?

Trees are one of the greatest assets of a property. They provide shade, increase land value and help with drainage. Trees are a valuable investment, but one that can be susceptible to a variety of natural problems. From disease to weather, there are a large number of factors that can be devastating to a tree,… Read more »

Make Your Lawn Look Nice After the Winter Season

As usual, many people’s lawns and yards look a little worse for wear because winter is, in general, a rough season. As spring comes along, it’s time to start thinking about getting out of the house and tending to your lawn to make it look nice. When the weather is sunny and warm, spend a… Read more »

What Are the Best Trees to Plant on Your Property?

Trees add value to a person’s property. They provide both shade and privacy, while also looking pretty, too. If you’ve been thinking of adding some trees to your property, there are basic things to consider. First, consider “scale.” If you have a smaller house, it wouldn’t make sense to plant a tree that will grow… Read more »

How to Prepare for a Nasty Winter Storm

  Winter in New Jersey tends to bring nasty storms which can literally shut down some areas for several days in a row. With that in mind, how should a person prepare for a nasty winter storm? First of all, do you have an emergency kit in your home and/or vehicle? Things like snow shovels,… Read more »

The Importance of Trees on Your Property

Tree Stump Removal

Trees play a significant role in our environment, and they also have many great benefits when we have them on our property. They provide shade and a cooler atmosphere during warmer months of the seasons. Like any other plant, we have to take proper care of them, so they don’t die from unwanted circumstance. Why… Read more »

Emergency Tree Removal After a Storm

Tree removal after a storm

As we’re witnessing more severe storms and hurricanes hit the southeast coast and even further up north, trees are susceptible to getting destroyed during a heavy storm. This can be dangerous for people and their homes. Removing dead trees before a storm hits is very crucial to the safety and protection of your family. Sometimes,… Read more »

What Should You Know About a Tree Cutting Company Before Hiring Them?

Cutting Down Trees

Are you thinking about having a tree or multiple trees removed from your property? If so, it’s essential you hire the person and company to do the job. When searching for the right tree removal company, make sure you know these three things about whom you’re working with. Are You Licensed and Insured? The biggest… Read more »

What Can You Do to Prepare Your Trees for Spring?

Tree Pruning

What are some things you can do to prepare the trees in your yard for spring? Why not start with some spring cleaning of your yard? It’s that time of the year to walk around and pick up sticks and branches and dispose of them. After the winter months, the yard can get a little… Read more »

Here’s What You Should Know About Stump Grinding Services

Stump Grinding Services

Do you live near mountains or forest in northern New Jersey? Most people think of New Jersey as “all city,” but there are actually a lot of tree-filled rural/suburban communities in the state. Stump Removal vs Stump Grinding Services When people have trees cut down, sometimes they leave the stump… but most times they take… Read more »

What Are the Best Trees to Plant in New Jersey?

Northern Red Oak Tree

Come Springtime, people will be thinking about flowers, gardens, landscaping and trees. If you’re thinking of planting some new trees on your New Jersey property this Spring, what are some of the best trees to plant for the state’s climate and soil? Which trees thrive in New Jersey? Hazel Alder Have you heard of Hazel… Read more »

The Risks Of DIY Tree Removals

Man Cutting Down a Tree

Why don’t people remove trees on their own? Most people don’t want to die! Seriously, one wrong move and a tree could kill someone, including the amateur trying to cut it down. Even with good intentions, tree removal shouldn’t be attempted by amateurs. It’s truly a job best left to professionals who remove trees for… Read more »

How to Properly Care For Your Tree in the Fall

Fall Tree Care Tips

During October and November what are some things to do to care for the trees on your property, so they’ll be ready for the winter ahead? Typically, trees seem to hibernate during the winter months, but keep in mind that harsh weather conditions can put a lot of stress on them. What are some things… Read more »

Is it Better to Have My Tree Professionally Trimmed or Removed?

Tree Trimming Vs Tree Removals

“Should I have my tree trimmed or removed?” is a question we often hear at Big Foot Tree Service. The average homeowner isn’t quite sure whether to have a tree trimmed, with hopes of it healing and “coming back,” versus having it removed all-together since it’s “for sure dead.” That’s why they call us at… Read more »

What is the Foundation of a Healthy Tree?

What is the foundation of a healthy tree? If you want a tree to have a healthy trunk with strong roots and branches, then the foundation for that is… regular tree pruning by a knowledgeable and experienced tree care provider. Big Foot Tree Service has plenty of tree experts who can prune the trees on… Read more »

Tips for Getting the Most Out of the Trees on Your Property

Trees on Your Property

Have you ever driven past a yard and noticed the trees? In some cases, they look immaculate, as if someone tended to them on a daily basis, ensuring they look pristine. In other cases, they’re a mess, and you (and the rest of the community) wish the homeowners would clean up their act, right? Obviously,… Read more »

Is Tree Trimming the Same as Tree Pruning?

Tree Trimming Vs. Tree Pruning

A lot of people assume pruning and trimming are interchangeable words when it comes to trees. Interestingly, though, they are two different terms with two different meanings. For instance, they have distinct applications and functions. Meanwhile, they require different equipment– and timetables, too. An Overview of Tree Pruning How about pruning? It’s the term used… Read more »

Is My Tree Decaying?

Decaying Trees

Do you have a tree on your property that has seen better days? There’s a good chance that it could be decaying. What’s more, it could potentially put you and your family, your home, and your entire property in danger in the future. It can be tough to tell whether or not a tree is… Read more »

Why Spring is an Ideal Time to Call in a Tree Care Professional

Tree Care Services in Spring

What’s the season after winter and before summer when vegetation begins to appear? If you said spring, you’re right! Spring started on March 20th and runs through Friday, June 21st. This season is the ideal time to call a tree care professional to deal with trees on your New Jersey property. Big Foot Tree Service’s… Read more »

What Happens if a Tree Unexpectedly Falls?

Fallen Trees

Whipping winter winds, ice storms and other weather events can make trees fall down unexpectedly. Here’s a good question: what happens if a tree falls down? Who is responsible for it? When a Tree Falls on Your Property If the tree falls down in your yard you are responsible for it, whether it started on… Read more »

What Can You Expect From a Professional Tree Consultation?

Tree Consultations

Have you ever had a “tree consultation?” If not, you’re probably wondering what one is, right? Well, the trees on your property can be inspected in such a way that you learn a lot more about them and how they’re doing– are they healthy or not? Think of a tree consultation as a doctor check-up…. Read more »

Why Tree Topping is a Bad Idea

Tree Topping

There’s something happening lately that baffles professional tree companies… and that’s the practice of “tree topping.” It’s a damaging tree pruning practice that’s “no bueno.” Yet some companies think it’s fine. They **think** cutting off the tops of trees will help stimulate tree growth, while also managing the size of the tree. While it may… Read more »

Common Tree Trimming Mistakes

Trimming Trees

When people decided to trim trees on their property, they typically make a couple mistakes. While they might have a “do-it-yourself” spirit, they might not have the knowledge or expertise to do the job right. Hence, they end up calling Big Foot Tree Service to come trim their trees “the professional way.” Fair enough. So… Read more »

A Tree Care Checklist for the Fall

Tree Care for Fall

As autumn approaches, you know what that means: temperatures will get colder and leaves will fall off trees. As we move into the winter months, autumn is a good time to pay attention to the trees in your yard and on your property. What are some ways to prep your beloved trees for colder weather… Read more »

Tips for Selecting the Right Tree Removal Company

Tree Removal Company

What are some tips for selecting the right tree removal company? Experience Matters First, you’ll want to look around for the more experienced companies. It’s good to find ones that have been in business for several years and have dealt with all sorts of issues, rather than “newbies.” The Right Qualifications That said, next you’d… Read more »

The Different Ways to Remove a Tree Stump

Grinding Tree Stump

Tree stumps are like pimples– they exist but most people don’t want them! Indeed, stumps can mess up the look of an otherwise pristine yard/landscape. Nine times out of ten, people want their stumps removed, and there are several ways to make this happen. Generally, there are four ways to remove tree stumps: digging them… Read more »

How to Become a Good Tree Pruner

Pruning Trees

If you’re like most people, you don’t have a clue about pruning a tree. You’re likely to take a scissors or shears and “go to town” cutting things off your yard trees haphazardly, never paying much attention to how it’s done. That said, there are some basics to being a good tree pruner. Tips to… Read more »

Should You Fertilize Trees?

Fertilizing Trees

Have you ever wondered whether you should fertilize the trees on your property? If you haven’t fertilized trees on your property, maybe this will be the year you start. Trees are like people– they get hungry. In some cases, they’re starving. Trees need nutrients and fertilizer helps them get needed nutrients so they can grow… Read more »

How Do Trees and Shrubs Withstand Winter Temperatures?

Frozen Trees and Shrubs

Watching a TV show called “Open House NYC,” one wonders how certain shrubs and trees weather the harsh New York City winters high atop tall buildings where penthouses go for $8 million or more. How does greenery withstand the frigidly cold winter temperatures in New York and New Jersey, anyway? How Plants Survive Frigid Conditions… Read more »

Signs That You Have a Diseased Tree

Diseased Tree

Do you notice any funky-looking growths on your trees? One of the signs you have a diseased tree, for instance, is the appearance of fungi– which can be colorful growths, looking like a mushroom, conk or shelf-life structure. Signs You Have a Diseased Tree Fungi typically appear after a tree has been wounded. How does… Read more »

Landscaping Tips to Keep In Mind This Fall

Fall Landscaping Tips

Besides raking up leaves this fall, here are some ideas to help you take good care of your landscaping (and yard) before winter hits. Fall Landscaping Tips First, you can (and should) cut your grass “one last time” before it snows. Therefore, even if it’s cold outside in October, cutting the grass is a good… Read more »

What Are Tree Cranes?

Tree Cranes

You’ve heard of cranes, but have you heard of tree cranes? Trees grow, and sometimes they grow so big that they can no longer support their own weight. When this happens, they might need a company like Big Foot Tree Service to intervene with a tree crane, providing structural support for big trees. What are… Read more »

Why You Should Avoid Planting Trees in the Summer

Planting Trees in the Summer

In New Jersey, July and August are typically the hottest months of the year. Indeed, summertime is hot! Do most landscaping companies plant trees during the summer months? Nope. They tend to plant trees in spring and fall when the weather is cooler. Trees, like people, don’t love extremely hot temperatures. If and when you… Read more »

How to Make Your Yard Look Great This Summer

Summer Landscaping Tips

How can you make your yard look great this summer? Well, it’s a good idea to do some trimming to tame nature a bit. For instance, if you have trees with dead hanging limbs on them, cut those off. Prune trees and bushes so they’re not out of control. You’ll especially want to pay attention… Read more »

An Interesting Use for Dead Trees

If you think about it, there are millions of dead trees around the world right now. What if those dead trees could be turned into renewable energy to power our homes, communities and more? Interestingly, an energy company in California is doing this– turning dead tree debris into renewable energy. Pacific Gas and Electric Company… Read more »

How to Make Your Lawn Look Nice After Winter

Winter was kind of mild, which is a good thing. That said, there were still times when snow and ice dominated the New Jersey landscape these past few months. And, as usual, many people’s lawns and yards look a little worse for wear because winter is, in general, a rough season. As spring comes along,… Read more »

How Does Freezing Rain Affect Trees?

If you lived in Buffalo, New York in October 2006, you’d have experienced “the October Storm” that saw hail and ice pellets hit trees with the leaves still on them. This early October “surprise” involved numerous downed trees and power lines. 400,000 people were left without power for several days. The National Guard had to… Read more »

Should You Prune Trees in the Winter?

Winter is coming and that means there’ll be ice, snow and slush on the ground. Though most people tend to spend a lot of time indoors each winter, especially in New Jersey when the temperature dips below freezing, some people choose to be outdoors for pursuits like cross-country skiing, sledding, and… pruning trees. Wait a… Read more »

Tips for Preparing Your Landscape for Fall

As the leaves change color on the trees and eventually fall off, it’ll soon be winter. What can you do to prep your landscape for autumn and the season that follows? First, consider aerating compressed soil in your yard. You can use a garden fork or a walk-behind aerator to loosen up the soil. This… Read more »

Do You Need A Permit To Remove A Tree In New Jersey?

If there is a tree on your property that is a nuisance or a threat to safety, there are several options available to remove it; however, you often need to obtain permission to do so due to state regulations. As we all know, trees are vital to our environment and we risk great harm if… Read more »

Why You Should Hire a Professional to Remove a Tree Stump

Tree stumps in our yards can become real eyesores that we want to be removed as soon as possible. You could go out and try to remove it yourself but that can become very time-consuming, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. That’s why you are better off hiring a professional to remove that… Read more »

Why Tree Stump Removal is the Smart Play

Trees come with many benefits, such as adding aesthetic appeal to a home, providing the comfort of shade and privacy from onlookers. However, there are many instances where trees in the yard are more burden than benefit, especially if all that’s left is a stump. If you have gotten to this point of being tired… Read more »

Caring for a Tree Before and After a Storm

Storms can cause a considerable amount of damage to trees and if they are on your home’s property, they can lead to home damage as well. That’s why as a homeowner it’s imperative to know what do to with a tree before and after a storm. Here are some tips to help. Before It’s a… Read more »

Things to Ask When Hiring a Tree Care Specialist

When we get work done on our home, we want to make sure we are getting the right people for the job. That’s why it’s important to ask the right questions before anything is made official. However, when it comes to tree care service, many of us might not know the right questions to ask…. Read more »

What is an Arborist?

There are many professions that work with trees, including loggers and foresters. However, not many people know of the profession, nor what it is they do. An arborist is someone who practices arboriculture, which is the cultivation, management, and study of individual trees, shrubs, and other perennial woody plants. So where some professions might just… Read more »

How Often Should You Have A Tree Trimmed?

One component of landscaping that sometimes goes left untouched is tree trimming. Trimming trees not only keeps your yard looking great, it also preserves the health and longevity of the tree. Tree overgrowth and branches that hang loosely around a tree’s trunk pose a safety concern, especially for the little people in your home who… Read more »