Category: Tree Removal

Is It Time To Remove My Tree?

Whether you just weathered a nasty storm, your tree has become “ill” or your trees are simply older than dirt, tree removal is sometimes the only way to ensure your safety and the health of your tree. Generally a big decision to make, there are some questions you’ll want to ask yourself before cutting anything… Read more »

Factors that Affect Tree Removal Costs

If you think about it, many trees were here before you and many will still be standing long after you’re gone. However, sometimes trees need to be cut down, for a myriad of reasons. There is a cost to cut down trees, because cutting down trees is hard work and requires specific knowledge, expertise and… Read more »

Legal Issues in Regards to Cutting Down Trees

While we think we “own” the land, remember that it was here long before us, and will be here long after we’re gone. Trees typically live a very long time, and depending on where you live, there may be legal issues regarding how “your” trees can be treated, cut and/or removed. Some tree work requires… Read more »

Remembering the Value of Trees

Trees enhance lives in so many ways, from their beauty to the shade they provide. Can you imagine a world without them? Back in the 1970s, Dave and Grace Deppner were volunteers in the Philippines, where illegal loggers were cutting down trees and making a mess of the land. Unlike illegal loggers, professional tree removal… Read more »

How Tree Damage Occurs During Storms

Damage to trees can cause serious problems in an area. When a tree falls due to breakage or damage, it can destroy a house, block roadways, and be potentially unsafe to those who live and are walking and driving in the area. Storms are a major culprit when it comes to falling branches and trees…. Read more »